Terms and conditions for fundraising 'in aid of' Teenage Cancer Trust

Thank you for deciding to raise money in aid of Teenage Cancer Trust. Thanks to your kindness and generosity, we can be there for young people from the moment they hear the words, ‘You have cancer’, and continue to support them until long after treatment is over.

If you wish to fundraise in aid of Teenage Cancer Trust you must agree to the following: 

  1. To read and abide by the contents of Teenage Cancer Trust’s online fundraising guide
  2. To only use lawful means to fundraise for Teenage Cancer Trust and not do anything that is likely to harm the participant’s or charity’s reputation. 
  3. To ensure that all money raised through fundraising activities in aid of Teenage Cancer Trust is paid to the charity within 30 days. 
  4. To be responsible for managing risk and safeguarding, organising insurance and obtaining the relevant permissions for all aspects of fundraising activities. 
  5. To accept that Teenage Cancer Trust does not hold any responsibility for my fundraising activities and will not be held liable in any way. 
  6. I agree that the information I have provided is true.

Publicity consent

Should Teenage Cancer Trust be provided with photographs, videos or information about your story, the charity may wish to use them in our published materials, such as our leaflets or on our website. Teenage Cancer Trust may also pass on your story, video or photograph to the media, such as your local newspaper, TV or radio station – where possible we will gain additional consent before sharing your story.

I understand that whilst Teenage Cancer Trust makes every effort to ensure that all media coverage portrays interviewees in a positive way, the charity does not have final control about how a journalist may portray me. I understand my right to ask to see any information held about me by Teenage Cancer Trust.

Your details will be kept in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 (incorporating the UK General Data Protection Regulation). They will be held securely and confidentially and will only be accessed by authorised individuals.

Data Protection

Teenage Cancer Trust will use the information you’ve given us to keep you updated about the event you’ve entered and other events you might be interested in. If you indicated that you would also like us to keep you updated about our work and other ways you can support us, we’ll get in touch using the ways you selected. You can unsubscribe at any time by emailing [email protected] or by calling us on 0207 612 0370. 

We know that your information and data needs to be kept safe, and we never give or sell any data or information to other charities or companies. For more information on how we use your data see our Privacy Policy on our website.