Fundraise in memory of a loved one

Giving or fundraising in memory of a loved one is a very special way of remembering their life. Your gift will not only celebrate their life, but it’ll also help our nurses and youth workers be there for young people with cancer when they need us the most.

We’re here to support you as you find the best way to remember your loved one. We can’t thank you enough for choosing to celebrate their memory with an extra special gift to Teenage Cancer Trust.

How to donate in memory

Contact details for fundraising

For any in memory fundraising questions, call our Supporter Experience Team on 020 7612 0370 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm or get in touch with our Supporter Experience Team by email: [email protected]

Further bereavement support

Losing a loved one is never easy and bereavement can affect people in many different ways. You may want to talk to family and friends, but there are also organisations that can provide support: