What is a radiotherapy mask and will I need to have one?

If you need to have radiotherapy to your head or neck you might need to wear a radiotherapy mask. Find out more about what they are and how they’re fitted here.

  • Radiotherapy is a type of cancer treatment which uses high energy X-rays to destroy cancer cells 
  • People with cancer in their head or neck might have to wear a radiotherapy mask to make sure they stay in the same position during radiotherapy treatment 
  • These are used to make sure you keep your head still during treatment so the radiotherapy can be as accurate as possible 

What is a radiotherapy mask?

Radiotherapy is always targeted at a very specific area to make sure it’s as accurate as possible. For cancer in some areas of your body you might need to wear a mask during radiotherapy to keep your head and neck still and in the right place.

You’ll need to keep really still during the treatment and these masks help you do that. The masks are made using mesh plastic.  

Will I have to wear a mask for radiotherapy? 

Masks are used if you’re having radiotherapy on your head or neck area. You won’t need to wear a mask if you’re having radiotherapy on other areas of your body. If you’re not sure whether you’ll need a mask you can always ask your care team. 

How are radiotherapy masks fitted? 

You’ll need to lie down on a bed when you’re having your mask fitted. The plastic material is left to soak in warm water so it becomes soft enough to mould to your head and neck. The plastic is then draped over your face and secured to the bed you’re lying on, there are holes in the plastic so you will still be able to breath normally during the fitting.

How long does it take to have a radiotherapy mask fitted? 

It generally takes anywhere from 10 to 45 minutes to fit your radiotherapy mask. You can ask your care team beforehand how long they think it’s likely to take.  

Will I need to cut my hair? 

You won’t need to cut the hair on your head before you have your mask fitted, but if you have a beard it can be a good idea to shave it off or shave it very short before having your mask fitted.  

Do I have to pay for my radiotherapy mask? 

No, you won’t have to pay for your radiotherapy mask, it will be provided by the NHS.  

What does a radiotherapy mask feel like? 

When you’re having it fitted it will probably feel like a warm, damp towel or a warm beauty mask. It won’t be hot. It will then cool down and once it’s completely set it will be stiff plastic. If you find the mask really uncomfortable and it’s difficult to breath once it’s cooled then you need to let you care team know as they might need to adjust the fit.  

What should I wear while I’m having my radiotherapy mask fitted? 

They usually need to fit the mask on your skin directly - this means you will need to take any clothing off that’s in the way. It’s a good idea to wear loose clothes which you can take off easily to make this easier. If you’re wearing any jewellery (earrings, necklaces, face piercings) you’ll need to take them off as well. Make sure you bring something to put them in to keep them safe or take your jewellery off before you leave home, especially if it’s a piercing that takes time to remove. 

If you have any questions about having your radiotherapy mask fitted, then you should speak to your care team.  

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