Addenbrooke’s Hospital

The C9 Teenage Cancer Trust unit at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge is designed for 14-24 year olds. It has eight in-patient beds and dedicated day care facilities. All bedrooms have comfy and cosy soft furnishings, bespoke furniture, TV, DVD and gaming facilities. We also provide free Teenage Cancer Trust Wifi and laptops.

Teenage Cancer Trust funds two expert staff at the unit:

They make sure each person having treatment on our ward gets the best possible quality care and is treated as a young person first, cancer patient second. 

We also run the Oasis Centre, a drop-in facility for young people to access information and support when they’re not an inpatient. The Oasis Centre is separate from the main unit and some of the activities led by the Youth Support Coordinator are held there. 

Facilities at Addenbrooke's unit

Bedroom at addenbrooks
  • One three-bed bay 
  • Day care facility 
  • Social zone with beverage bay and dining area 
  • Chill out pod and relatives room 
  • Hub room for activities and study, quiet room and ward kitchen 
  • Oasis Centre 




Year olds


en-suite bedrooms (including two hepa-filtered rooms)

Where to find Addenbrooke’s Hospital

A young person in one of our units

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