How we raise and spend money

We rely on donations to make our work possible, so we couldn’t be there for young people with cancer without you. We want you to know that we’re making every penny count. Below is a breakdown of how we raised and spent money in the 12-month period from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021. For more detailed information on our finances, have a look at our annual report

You are viewing: How we raised money

Total income £16.3m How we raised money

Donations and public fundraising - £10.5m (64.4%)

This includes individual and group fundraising from challenge, community and special events as well as one-off or regular donations. 

Corporate partnerships - £3.3m (20.2%)

Income from corporate partners including charity of the year partnerships and employee fundraising. 

Music and events - £1.2m (7.4%)

Income from music and special events. 

Trusts and foundations - £1.2m (7.4%)

Grants from charitable foundations and trusts. 

Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme - £0.1m (0.6%) 

The charity used the government’s furlough scheme during the pandemic to reduce costs and ensure frontline services could be maintained. 

Total expenditure £15.8m How we spent money

Before diagnosis - £2.6m (16.5%)

This includes our work to raise awareness of cancer in young people. 

Supporting young people during treatment - £4.4m (27.8%)

This includes running and maintaining 28 units in hospitals across the UK; funding our expert nurses, Youth Support Coordinators and Multi-Disciplinary Team Coordinators; and funding and development of NHS nursing and support staff. 

Supporting young people after treatment - £1.2m (7.6%)

This includes our virtual Find Your Sense of Tumour event and the development of the Teenage Cancer Trust Connect platform. 

Underpinning our services - £1.7m (10.8%)

This includes our policy and influencing work, safeguarding, research and service development. 

Fundraising - £5.6m (35.4%)

For every £1 we spent on fundraising activities, we raised £2.73 to make sure no young person faces cancer alone. 

Trading - £0.3m (1.9%)