All-Party Parliamentary Group on Children, Teenagers and Young Adults with Cancer (APPG CTYAC)

The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Children, Teenagers and Young Adults with Cancer (APPG CTYAC) aims to be the voice of young people with cancer and their families in the UK Parliament. 

About the APPG CTYAC 

The APPG CTYAC was launched in October 2017 in recognition of the unique issues experienced by young people with cancer and their families. The group brings together MPs and Peers from across the political spectrum to raise awareness of the issues and campaign for change for all children, teenagers and young adults with cancer. 

Recently, we have seen developments in cancer care in Wales, Scotland, England and Northern Ireland, all of which recognise that children, teenagers and young adults with cancer have specific needs but, at the same time, the NHS is under increasing pressure. 

As health services adapt to new ways of working and funding, we have to make sure that children, teenagers and young adults with cancer are not forgotten. The APPG CTYAC is working to help decision-makers across the UK understand what matters most to young people with cancer and support them to deliver it. 

Chairs and Officers 

  • Chair – Amy Callaghan MP 
  • Vice-Chairs – Jack Lopresti MP 
  • Officers – Lord Moynihan, Dame Diana Johnson MP 


As experts in children and young people’s cancer, Teenage Cancer Trust and Young Lives vs Cancer have partnered up to provide the Secretariat for the Group. This means that we work together to support the MPs and Peers to meet, provide administrative support, coordinate events and act as the main point of contact. 

APPG logo
Teenage Cancer Trust Youth Advisory Group member

Listen Up! What Matters to Young Cancer Patients

In July 2018, the APPG CTYAC launched their report, ‘Listen up! What matters to young cancer patients’. This report was the result of the group’s first inquiry into patient experience for children and young people with cancer. 

The report reviews research and other evidence, including findings from the inquiry’s survey of young people, parents and health care professionals and evidence gathered from the inquiry’s two scrutiny sessions.  

The 15 key recommendations outlined in Listen Up! address issues surrounding diagnosis, treatment, post-treatment support, and getting young people with cancer’s voices heard. These recommendations include:  

  • compulsory lessons in secondary schools on spotting the signs of cancer 
  • designated hospital parking for children and young people with cancer 
  • an agreement from the Government to meet with young cancer patients yearly to discuss their experiences as patients  
  • offering access to free fertility treatment to survivors of childhood cancer who were not offered fertility preservation before receiving cancer treatment 

Find out more 

If you’ve got any questions or if you’re interested in becoming a member yourself, please get in contact.   

The APPG CTYAC is a registered group

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