Romesh Ranganathan to run London Marathon 2025 for Teenage Cancer Trust

Comedian Romesh Ranganathan has announced he is running the 2025 London Marathon for Teenage Cancer Trust


Comedian Romesh Ranganathan has announced he is running the 2025 London Marathon for Teenage Cancer Trust

Romesh, who has supported the charity for many years, said: “Supporting the brilliant work that Teenage Cancer Trust does is something I’ve been very passionate about for years. 

“Recently, I had the pleasure of visiting the Teenage Cancer Trust units. Meeting young people, spending time with them, and their families, has been a really enlightening experience. I have seen first-hand the vital work that the charity does and the difference it makes to young people with cancer. 

“By running the marathon, I want raise as much money as I possibly can and to raise as much awareness for the charity as I can.” 

Romesh, who is an active fundraiser for Teenage Cancer Trust, first became involved with the charity after performing at the iconic Royal Albert Hall comedy night in 2016. He performed a further three times and donated signed items to help fundraise for the charity. In 2022 he supported Teenage Cancer Trust by performing at the Absolute Radio comedy night alongside a line-up of comedians. 

In 2023, Romesh became Teenage Cancer Trust’s first Comedy Icon, and he invited young people supported by the charity to watch A League of Their Own being filmed. 

Comedian Romesh Ranganathan is stood with a black top smiling, holding an award which Teenage Cancer Trust gave to him. On the award it says the words Icon

Throughout his recent UK headline tour HUSTLE, Romesh raised £8,000 split between Teenage Cancer Trust, and CALM - a suicide prevention charity where he is a Patron. 

As well as this, Romesh invited nearly 200 Teenage Cancer Trust Nurses, Youth Support Coordinators and young people, to see his show for free so they could enjoy a night of comedy. 

In between his jam-packed schedule while on tour, Romesh spent time visiting three Teenage Cancer Trust units to see first-hand how the charity is making a difference to young people with cancer. 

Teenage Cancer Trust supports 13-24 year olds with cancer and funds specialist hospital units, nurses and Youth Support Coordinators across the UK to provide age-appropriate care and emotional support to these young people. 

Romesh visited the Teenage Cancer Trust units at University Hospital of Wales, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, and Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Reflecting on his visit to Birmingham, Romesh said: “One of the things I’ve noticed on the units is how good the staff are with young people and their parents, who are going through a particularly difficult and challenging time.   

Comedian Romesh Ranganathan is sat at a table speaking to a young person

“What the staff do every single day is amazing and I want to thank them for that.” 

Romesh who ran this year’s London Marathon in six and a half hours has announced that he is going to try and shave three and a bit hours off his race time for 2025. 

He is also encouraging people to raise money for the charity in other ways, such as taking part in a challenge or organising a cake sale. 

Ellie Rocks, Deputy Director at Teenage Cancer Trust, said: “We are delighted that Romesh has decided to run the London Marathon in aid of Teenage Cancer Trust. 

“Through Romesh’s generosity, he has already changed lives of young people with cancer not only through his fundraising but by spending time with young people and their families and bringing laughter and smiles to the units. 

“We know that running a marathon isn’t for everyone and there are many ways to fundraise for Teenage Cancer Trust. Whichever charity challenge you’re inspired to take on, your efforts will transform the lives of young people with cancer from their diagnosis and beyond.” 

Find out more about charity’s challenges here: 

People can sign up to register as a volunteer for Teenage Cancer Trust at the London Marathon here: