Makeup after chemotherapy

Rachel after treatment for tongue cancer


Rachel shares her tips on how to look after your skin after cancer treatments like chemotherapy and surgery

Rachel after treatment for tongue cancer

I was diagnosed with tongue cancer in late 2020 while in my second year of medical school. After undergoing extensive surgeries and chemotherapy treatments I was left with extremely sensitive skin and scars all over my body.

As you can imagine, university life centres around dressing up, going out and having fun, which was a daunting thought after these experiences. Feeling confident in my own skin was really important.

As someone who LOVES makeup, it was exciting to imagine my first makeup application post treatment. Numerous tries (and fails!) later, here are my top tips for using makeup with facial scarring.

  1. MOISTURISE: Keep your skin moist and glowy prior to applying any makeup for a smooth, flawless application. Top up with a dewy setting spray for long lasting fresh skin. (I use Urban Decay All Nighter Setting Spray).
  2. PRODUCT QUALITY: After treatment and/or surgery your skin will need an extra bit of love. Invest in some high-quality products: whether that means for sensitive skin, natural ingredients or products you know work for you. (I use The Ordinary Foundation - a great quality, low expense foundation.)
  3. LIGHT COVERAGE: You may be tempted to apply foundation and concealer products heavily over the scarred area; this can create an uneven base potentially highlighting or drawing attention the area. I usually apply small amounts of foundation with a damp beauty blender and build up on coverage when needed. 
  4. COLOUR CORRECT: Use your knowledge of the colour wheel! I have found a thin and well blended green concealer works wonders on the red areas of scarring. If in doubt, just google the colour wheel and conceal with the opposing colour. 
  5. CONFIDENCE: Confidence is the most attractive quality you can have, regardless of whether you are a makeup novice or professional. Paint your face in whatever way you like, for you! 

Remember, you should not feel ashamed of your scars! These are just a few tips and tricks I’ve learned along the way as someone who loves expressing themselves through makeup.

Embrace your scars. It’s your body’s way of telling your story and showing you have lived.