Our Nurses

Every young person is different. Our nurses understand that, and provide expert, tailored support for you and your family from diagnosis, through treatment and beyond.

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Where other nurses might specialise in a particular cancer type, Teenage Cancer Trust Nurses are the experts in caring for young people with cancer. 

They’re specially trained in how cancer affects teenagers and young adults, and understand how to support you with the impact on things like your emotions, friendships, studies, work and relationships – as well as providing world-class medical care.

What Teenage Cancer Trust Nurses do

Our nurses have smaller caseloads than typical nurses, so they have the extra time to get to know you as a person, not a patient, and can tailor their care and support specially for you and your family.

When you’re facing a new and confusing world of hospital appointments, scans and check-ups, your Teenage Cancer Trust Nurse is by your side to explain unfamiliar medical terms, help you navigate treatment, and feel more in control.

They’re a consistent, reassuring, go-to person for any questions or worries you or your family might have, from the point you’re diagnosed, throughout treatment, and afterwards as you adjust to life beyond cancer.

Nurse at Teenage Cancer Trust

Types of nurses we fund

We fund three different levels of nurses:

  1. Clinical Nurse Specialists, who provide direct specialist nursing care and support, often acting as a key worker for young people with cancer
  2. Teenage and Young Adult Lead Nurses, who lead and coordinate teenage and young adult cancer services in designated areas of the UK, working in collaboration with regional cancer networks, children’s cancer services and adult cancer services 
  3. Nurse Consultants, who have a strategic role in the national and international development of teenage and young adult care.